Strategies for Increasing Financial Aid
Strategies for Increasing Financial Aid
Strategies for Increasing Financial Aid
Created By: Texas GEAR UP
Audience: 7th-12th-grade students, parents
Big Picture: Sure, there’s free money out there to help kids like you achieve their dreams of going to college, but did you know there are ways to stretch those dollars even farther? Yep, it’s totally true. Luckily, they’re all pretty easy to do, and it’s all explained in this super-helpful handbook we created just for you.
How it Helps You: Who doesn’t want more money? This handy packet provides plenty of info on how to maximize your funds for college.
Protip: Being proactive is super important when it comes to money for college. The more knowledge you have, the better you can advocate for yourself for things like asking for extra money from a college’s financial aid office.
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