Six Million Missing Jobs: The Lingering Pain of the Great Recession (


Six Million Missing Jobs: The Lingering Pain of the Great Recession

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Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce



The economy continues to add jobs at a steady pace and the Federal Reserve Board is considering its first interest rates hike since the beginning of the recession. Six Million Missing Jobs: The Lingering Pain of the Great Recession shows that the effects of the Great Recession still linger in the form of 6.4 million jobs that were not created, including 3 million college jobs.

Full Report

Despite steady job growth, Six Million Missing Jobs: The Lingering Pain of the Great Recession shows that the effects of the Great Recession are still with us in the form of 6.4 million jobs that were not created. The report examines the labor market in the recovery and shows:

  • Three million of the missing jobs include college jobs.
  • The economy needs to add 205,000 jobs a month to recover the missing jobs by 2020.
  • There are still 2 million more part-time workers today than before the recession.
  • Nearly a third of all workers have jobs that are temporary, freelance or part-time.

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