Lesson Plan: End of Course Project Options – Introduction to Cosmetology (https://test.txcte.org/resource/lesson-plan-end-course-project-options-%E2%80%93-introduction-cosmetology)


Lesson Plan: End of Course Project Options – Introduction to Cosmetology

Resource ID
Grade Range
Institutional Organization
Stephen F. Austin State University


In this lesson, students will review all TEKS for Introduction to Cosmetology, then research and develop a project proposal and presentation. Student projects and presentations will be based on selected course TEKS.

Download the lesson plan (https://txcte.org/sites/default/files/resources/documents/Lesson%20Plan%20End%20of%20Course%20Project%20Options%20-%20Introduction%20to%20Cosmetology.docx)

Scroll to the related items section at the bottom of this page for additional resources.


Source URL: https://test.txcte.org/resource/lesson-plan-end-course-project-options-–-introduction-cosmetology