Lesson Plan: End of Course Project Options - Practicum in Education and Training (https://test.txcte.org/resource/lesson-plan-end-course-project-options-practicum-education-and-training)


Lesson Plan: End of Course Project Options - Practicum in Education and Training

Resource ID
Grade Range
Institutional Organization
Stephen F. Austin State University


In this lesson, students will review all TEKS for Education and Training, then research and develop a project proposal and presentation. Student projects and presentations will be based on selected course TEKS.

Download the lesson plan (https://txcte.org/sites/default/files/resources/documents/Lesson%20Plan%20End%20of%20Course%20Project%20Options%20%E2%80%93%20Practicum%20in%20ET.docx)

Scroll to the related items section at the bottom of this page for additional resources.


Source URL: https://test.txcte.org/resource/lesson-plan-end-course-project-options-practicum-education-and-training