Foundational Learning Sessions (
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Foundational Learning Sessions
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Foundational Learning Sessions are teacher training sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program. Foundational Learning Session topics include:
CTE Mentor Program Introduction
Foundational Learning Session 1: Unpacking Standards
Foundational Learning Session 2: Student Learning Objectives
Foundational Learning Session 3: Activities
Foundational Learning Session 4: Knowledge of Students
Foundational Learning Session 5: Classroom Management
Foundational Learning Session 6: Differentiation
Foundational Learning Session 7: End of Year Reflection
Foundational Learning Session 8: Building Community & Business Relationships
This video provides a brief introduction to the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program and gives an overview of the various program components designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers.
View Resource ( is the first in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency CTE Mentor Program. This foundational learning session focuses on how to unpack TEKS to ensure your instructional planning results in rigorous and measurable goals that are aligned to state content standards.
View Resource ( is the second in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency CTE Mentor Program. This foundational learning session focuses on how to generate student learning objectives from unpacked state standards. In this session, be prepared to use the unpacked standard you developed during Foundational Learning Session 1: Unpacking Standards as a basis for generating student learning objectives.
View Resource ( is the third in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency CTE Mentor Program. In this session, be prepared to use one of the student learning objectives you developed during Foundational Learning Session 2: Student Learning Objectives as a basis for planning student-centered activities. It may be helpful to have a copy of T-TESS PLANNING Dimension 1.4 on hand as you work through this session.
View Resource ( is the fourth in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency CTE Mentor Program. For this session, please have your class rosters available for review.
View Resource ( is the fifth in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program. This session describes concrete approaches you can use to promote positive student behaviors and to cultivate a well-managed 21st-century classroom.
View Resource ( is the sixth in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program. In this session, teacher's will use the T-TESS Instruction Dimension 2.4: Differentiation rubric to evaluate and score one of their existing lesson plans. To prepare for the session, please print out a copy of T-TESS Dimension 2.4 and select one lesson plan to evaluate.
View Resource ( is the seventh in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program. In this session, we discuss ways in which you can approach end-of-year reflection and harness your strengths to maximize learning for all.
View Resource ( is the eighth in a series of foundational learning sessions designed to provide support for beginning CTE teachers as part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE Mentor Program. In this session, we explore ways in which you can bolster your CTE program through relationships and partnerships with local businesses and the community as a whole.
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